Antimongoloid slanting palpebral fissures

When the nasal corners of the palpebral fissures (the elliptic space between the medial and lateral corners of the two open lids) are higher than the temporal corners we call it 'antimongoloid slanting'. In simple terms, this refers to the opening between the eye lids and slanting up or down. Down slanting happens when the lateral palpebral ligament is inserted lower than the medial palpebral ligament. Down slanting palpebral fissures may occur in:
Chromosome Abnormalities
Last modified
2 January 2021
In addition to the antimongoloid slanting palpebral fissures in Treacher Collins Syndrome (TCS) the soft tissues surrounding the eye are typically hypoplastic with thin lower...
Rare Condition
Treacher Collins Syndrome
Treacher Collins Syndrome is a genetic disorder characterized by hypoplasia of facial bones (mandible, maxilla and cheek bone), antimongoloid slant of palpebral fissures, coloboma of...