Pancreas Insufficiency
Exocrine Pancreas Insufficiency is usually diagnosed in the first year of life. Due to the lack of pancreas enzyme fat and fat-soluble vitamins are not absorbed in the gut.
There is no doubt that pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy (PERT) is indicated in patients with EPI.
If PERT is conducted properly, no fat restrictions are necessary. Patients should take Pancreatin along with a normal diet instead of changing their diet. If there are deficits in fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E), prothrombin time as a surrogate for vitamin K and trace elements should be recorded, these should be substituted accordingly.
Blood levels of fat-soluble vitamins should be measured every 6 to 12 months in young children, and supplementary therapy should be started if values are low. It is important to ensure compliance with pancreatic enzyme supplementation, as deficiencies of these vitamins are an indirect marker of fat malabsorption.
A09AA02 Pancreatine
Creon, Pancrease, Panzytrat
14905-4 Retinol (Vitamin A) in serum/plasma
Units: moles/volume (μmol/L)
14635-7 Calcidiol (25-hydroxy-Vitamin D3) in serum/plasma
Units: moles/volume (nmol/L)
14590-4 Alpha tocopherol (Vitamin E) in serum/plasma
Units: moles/volume (μmol/L)
5901-4 Prothrombin time (PT) in Control Platelet poor plasma by Coagulation assay
Units: time (seconds)
34714-6 INR in Blood by Coagulation assay
Units: INR
58793-1 Vitamin K (Fytonadion) in serum/plasma
Units: moles/volume (nmol/L)
25907-7 Pancreatic Elastase in Stool
Units: Mass/mass (μg/g)
3066-8 Serum Trypsinogen in serum/plasma
Units: Mass/volume (μg/L)
14589-6 Amylase isoenzymes in serum/plasma
Units: units/volume (U/L) + Interpretation
3040-3 24 Fat balance in serum/plasma
Units: units/volume (103 U/L)
K86.81 Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
Shwachman Diamond Syndrome
Shwachman-Diamond syndrome is complex condition which affects different body functions.
The pancreas produces less enzymes for the uptake of food.
The bone marrow malfunctions and...